Saint Louis de la betterave au sucre

From beet
to sugar

Saint Louis Sucre and its sugar beet partners share a common destiny: no factories without beets, no beets without factories!

Saint Louis Sucre and its sugar beet partners share a common destiny: no factories without beets, no beets without factories!

Accueil Who are we? From beet to sugar

Saint Louis Sucre’s sugar factores are located in the heart of Europe’s most fertile land.
Saint Louis Sucre and its sugar beet partners share a common destiny: no factories without beets, no beets without factories!

Throughout the year, Saint Louis Sucre teams support our sugar beet farming partners in their agricultural practices, from seed selection to tillage techniques and crop protection.

Saint Louis Sucre's sugar mills are located in the heart of Europe's most fertile land.
Sugar beet supply for our sugar mills

To supply a sugar factory with sugar beet, the pace is sustained: a truck enters, empties its load and leaves every 3 minutes, night and day, without interruption, throughout the beet campaign, in compliance with road traffic regulations. The average supply radius of its plants is around 45 km.

Our two sugar factories at Roye and Étrépagny transform beet into sugar thanks to the know-how and expertise of our teams. Numerous stages are involved in extracting the naturally white sugar from the beet before it is made available to our customers. What’s more, nothing is lost in beet!

Its non-sugar components, including 75% water, will be reused for irrigation and soil fertilization, as well as animal feed. The extracted sugar is then stored or packaged at our Roye site before being offered to our customers.

Our two sugar factories at Roye and Étrépagny transform beet into sugar thanks to the know-how and expertise of our teams.