Apporter des solutions durables 
à nos clients et consommateurs

Providing sustainable solutions
to our customers and consumers


Supplying all our customers with safe, quality products requires a daily commitment from our teams, as part of a continuous improvement process.

Supplying all our customers safe and quality products requires a daily commitment from our teams, as part of a continuous improvement process. Since 2015, our employees have also been enthusiastically driving innovative eco-design and continuous improvement projects for our packaging, in dynamic collaboration with our partners.

> 100% recyclable packaging by 2024 in supermarkets and, by 2027, across all channels.

We have been minimizing our packaging thanks to our eco-design efforts for many years. We have thus avoided the production of over 100 tonnes of plastic between 2015 and 2022, the equivalent of 2.8 million plastic bottles.

Minimum packaging, maximum recycling!

IFS, ISO, SAI Gold for our plants
FCA (Feed Chain Alliance) for our animal feed products
Organic and Fairtrade for some of our sugars
FSC for all our cardboard packaging


We're constantly raising awareness and educating the public about our industry, our region, the fact that we're made in France, and the need to prevent food waste.

We’re constantly raising awareness and educating the public about our industry, our region. We are proud to participate in the promotion of French origin by being a partner of the Association d’organisations de producteurs nationale fraises de France, to promote the production of French strawberries.

Promoting sustainable consumption with Cultures Sucre

We are a member of Cultures Sucre, an interprofessional association that promotes sugar in gastronomy, informs the public about the industry’s commitments and promote sensible sugar consumption.